Can Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Young unshaven man looking at mirror in bathroom at home. Handsome guy looking at his face in mirror, checking hair and hairline. Man in pijamas concerned with hair loss.

Regardless of age and gender, hair loss is a painful reality for millions of people. It challenges lifelong conceptions of self-identity and forces them to physically face an altered vision of themselves daily. For people with diabetes, hair loss can feel like the proverbial stick that broke the camel’s back. But does diabetes cause hair …

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What Could Cause Sudden Hair Loss in Women?

Attractive Asian woman serious about her brush for presentation hair loss problem and looking at comb

Hair loss is nothing to laugh at, especially if you’re a woman. That isn’t to say that hair loss isn’t traumatic for men, only that we are socially conditioned to tolerate male baldness to a greater degree than female baldness. For both men and women, hair loss can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and sudden. However, given the lack …

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Can Damaged Hair Still Grow?

woman checking hair line in mirror

In a world where ever-evolving standards of beauty push us to color, straighten, curl, perm, and generally beat our hair into submission every day, it is no wonder that damage and breakage are such common issues. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, you can eventually grow the damaged hair out as long as the …

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Why does my hair smell bad?

woman with disgusted look

Over the past few years, intermittent shampooing has become a major trend that women from all walks of life are trying in order to minimize the “stripping” effect shampoo has on hair. The idea is that if you let your hair retain its natural oils, it will give you fuller, shinier hair. Now, even though …

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