Keeping your hair Healthy in Autumn

Autumn is always full of surprises. Unexpected temperature fluctuations, random rainfall, and constant humidity changes are just part of the transition from the hot summer months to the cold of winter. Unfortunately, all of these rapid changes can wreak havoc on your hair. Dryness and breakage are bad news even for people with thick locks, but if your hair is super fine or thinning, it can be downright devastating. Luckily, there are several steps you can take to keep your hair healthy in autumn.

Keeping your hair Healthy in Autumn

When it comes to your hair, dehydration is the ultimate enemy. That makes the fall and winter months into an uphill battle, as colder air retains less moisture than the warmer air we enjoy in the spring and summer. To keep your hair looking lush, that means you have to work overtime to keep your scalp and each individual strand properly hydrated. 

To achieve the best levels of hydration, you have to treat dehydration as a general health concern as well as a local issue. That means making sure you’re drinking enough water every day and giving your scalp direct access to hydrating products. A moisturizing shampoo and conditioner are a great first step. However, if your hair is looking extra limp, a moisturizing hair mask or scalp treatment can help get you back on track.

Mistakes to Avoid

In addition to using moisturizing products, it’s important to avoid things that could dry your scalp or stress your hair further. Here are a few common ways we unwittingly un-do the hard work our moisturizers put in.

  • Using heated styling tools without protectant, every day, and on too high a temperature
  • Going out with wet hair in cold conditions
  • Wearing hats or hoods without a soft lining
  • Roughly drying hair with a towel
  • Attempting to brush or style hair while it’s wet
  • Washing hair too frequently
  • Washing hair with hot water
  • Regularly wearing the same tight hairstyles

To put it more simply, our hair is sensitive to temperature, texture, and tension. It can easily weather occasional exposure to all of these things, but if it becomes a regular behavior, then your hair will eventually start to look increasingly damaged. Luckily, that doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite hairstyles. Just switching it up every other day can make a huge difference, giving your hair 24 hours to recover from the strain of heated styling tools, the loss of oils from a hot shower, or the tension of a sky-high ponytail. 

The Good News about Autumn

When it comes to your hair, autumn isn’t all bad. It’s actually a great time to consider hair restoration if your hair is showing the tell-tale signs of thinning. At Hair Specialist Houston, we provide only the highest quality of hair treatments. During the fall months, many people, especially women, tend to shed hair more heavily than usual. This can exacerbate the appearance of thinning spots as your scalp struggles to keep up with normal shedding. It can be uncomfortable and even embarrassing, but it’s a great time to look into what procedures might work for you. 

By showing your board-certified cosmetic surgeon your scalp at its thinnest, you can ensure that you get more than adequate coverage. Based on what they see, the surgeon can use NeoGraft surgery Houston to strategically harvest hair follicles from your scalp and transplant them into the areas where growth is needed. As a bonus, once you’re through the initial recovery period, the winter months will give you all the excuses you need to wear cozy caps as your new growth starts to blend into your existing hair. Without any scarring or plugs, NeoGraft will allow you to walk into spring with a full head of hair.