Eyebrow Restoration

Thinning or sparse eyebrows can lead to an appearance that does not match your self-image. Whatever the cause, we want you to be satisfied with every aspect of your appearance. With an eyebrow transplant, you can restore your eyebrows to a fuller form, boosting your self-confidence along the way.

At Hair Specialists Houston, we understand the importance that hair can play in your quality of life. That is why we offer only the latest methods for eyebrow restoration in the Houston area. We pride ourselves on delivering natural-looking results that help you achieve your unique aesthetic goals. Every step of the way, we work closely with patients to match their needs and expectations.

What Is an Eyebrow Transplant?​

An eyebrow transplant is a means of eyebrow restoration. Though there can be various causes of thinning eyebrows, the results often feel the same. Your appearance can look less dynamic, or your look might take on an aged aspect. When this happens, it can become challenging to build self-confidence in how you look.

An eyebrow transplant works to fix this by restoring lost brow hairs. The process is very similar to a head hair transplant. Follicles and hairs are taken from your own donor sites and relocated to your eyebrows.

One of the major benefits of this treatment is the natural-looking results. Since you are using your own hair follicles, the hair is entirely your own. No artificial replacements or third-party donors.


Using NeoGraft, the same revolutionary technology for our hair transplant treatments, Dr. Linville first harvests follicles from a donor area. For most patients, this will be from the back of the head. Using Follicular Unit Extraction, Dr. Linvill expertly removes the optimum number of follicles for transplantation.

These follicles are then relocated to your target areas one-by-one. Each follicle is strategically placed to result in a natural and full look once complete. Each treatment is customized to match your personal preferences. You always have the final say in what you want your results to be.

During your consultation, you will have the chance to express your goals. Every step of the way, Dr. Linville works closely with you. His goal is to ensure that the treatment follows your expectations perfectly.

Is Eyebrow Restoration Right for Me?

If you are dealing with thinning or sparse eyebrows, then this treatment could benefit you. Loss of eyebrow hair can happen for a variety of reasons. But no matter the cause, we can help you with state-of-the-art eyebrow restoration.

Common reasons for loss of eyebrow hair include:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Infection or illness
  • Skin conditions
  • Hormone changes
  • Immune responses
  • Physical or emotional trauma
  • Nutritional deficiencies

In some cases, your eyebrows may begin to grow back on their own. But the unfortunate fact for many is that thinning eyebrows tend to only become thinner over time. But with an eyebrow transplant treatment, you can restore your appearance to a fuller, more dynamic look.

Eyebrow Transplant Recovery

Since our eyebrow transplant method uses FUE, you will experience minimal recovery periods. Your recovery will depend on the number of follicles harvested. Some patients will only need 50-100 grafts, while others may need up to 500-600.

The number you have is up to you and how thick your eyebrows currently are. Thinner or absent eyebrows will require more grafts to fill them out properly.

In any case, you can expect some discomfort during the first few days. But this can easily be managed with medication. Any redness or swelling should subside within a couple of days. Most patients can get back to their regular routine within two days!

Eyebrow Restoration Results

It is important to note that it is natural for the transplanted hair to fall out after several weeks. This is part of the restoration process. What is important is that the follicles are alive and well. After the initial healing period, they will begin producing new hair on their own, giving your natural-looking results for years to come.


The first step to eyebrow restoration is scheduling your consultation with Dr. Linville. Contact our office, and we can get you set up and ready to meet with Dr. Linville one-on-one. During your consultation, Dr. Linville will need information about your medical history and current medications. It is important to let him know your expectations so he can provide you with his expert feedback on possible outcomes. If you decide you would like to move forward, you can schedule your hair transplant surgery.

Dr. Cain Linville at Hair Specialists Houston is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon with over a decade of experience in hair loss treatments. Dr. Linville focuses on helping each patient feel comfortable and getting them back to feeling like themselves again. Contact Hair Specialists Houston today for a consultation!