If baldness runs in your family, you’ve probably caught yourself checking your hairline more often than your peers. So can you predict going bald? Fortunately, it turns out that your maternal grandfather’s hairline doesn’t have to be yours. But that old wives’ tale does have a tiny nugget of truth. Several health conditions can be at play. But, the majority of cases are simply genetic. That doesn’t necessarily mean that inspecting your family members’ hairlines will give you all the answers you need.
In Houston, we provide a NeoGraft procedure using the latest techniques.
Can You Predict Going Bald?
There are actually over 200 separate genes that contribute to your hair growth pattern. That combination of genes will determine how your hair grows and what type of hair loss you will experience as you age. The expression of these genes will vary from person to person, so two siblings could potentially have entirely different hair growth patterns. The only way to absolutely predict whether or not you will go bald is to have a swab test to determine your sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
What is Dihydrotestosterone?
DHT is a sex hormone that contributes to the development of secondary sex characteristics during puberty. It’s an important hormone that helps to promote your ability to maintain muscle mass and a healthy sex life. Unfortunately, some people, mostly men but some women as well, have a heightened sensitivity to the hormone. This heightened sensitivity is the primary factor in male pattern baldness, which can begin to develop in a person’s late teens.
When Does Baldness Begin?
An unfortunate 20% of men will experience significant hair loss by the age of 20. From there the percentage increases as men enter their 30s and 40s. At that point, it begins to level off a bit. As they age, most men will experience continued thinning. However, they are unlikely to experience any serious balding if they haven’t experienced it already. Women who have DHT sensitivity tend to follow a similar pattern but at a later stage in life.
How to Prevent Baldness
Unfortunately, there’s no way to entirely prevent genetic baldness. The only thing you can do is slow the process by taking good care of your hair follicles. Avoiding lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking is one way to reduce the damage to your hair follicles. A balanced diet and high-quality biotin supplements can also help to stave off hair loss. Luckily, there are ways that you can reverse the effects of male pattern baldness.
Considering a Hair Transplant
A hair transparent is the most effective way to combat male pattern baldness. Thanks to recent innovations and the application of advanced technology, hair transplants are easier, safer, and more effective than ever before. Unlike the hair transplants of your parents’ generation, there’s no need for visible scarring or plugs, and the customizable placement of individual follicles allows for completely natural results.
Of all of the improvements made in hair transplants over recent decades, Neograft is the most technologically advanced. This treatment option uses the follicular unit extraction (FUE) approach to remove healthy follicles from the back of your own head so that they can be transplanted into the balding areas. It is semi-automated, allowing your surgeon to place the follicles more quickly and precisely without sacrificing control over the procedure.
The NeoGraft Method
At Hair Specialist Houston Dr. Cain Linville embraces the Neograft method because it provides his patients with the best possible results. Using Neograft surgery in Houston allows for a more thorough and precise application of your plastic surgeon’s years of experience. Once your scalp has had time to heal and your hair begins to grow, you can style, wash, and cut it normally because it is entirely your own natural hair.